Women Developers Recruiting

You want to reach female talents and consumers? Then communicate through a as Tech Ambassador face that inspires women developers.
We have been guiding leading companies as they enter digital platforms.


Reveal and fix talent gaps, fast

The only thing growing faster than digital transformation investments are the talent gaps inside your company.

Silently killing your performance and the sustainability.

Your company is hit by a combination of war, inflation, energy scarcity and climate change. These challenges in digital transition and the economic recovery can only be done with the help of the people.

In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, if you understand your female talent needs and know how to meet them, you have a competitive edge.

Our Female Talent Recruitment Platform analyses your initiatives, reveals the gaps and unlocks your performance.


Close the gap between sustainability vision and impact

Today, only 1 in 2 businesses are achieving their sustainability goals.

While many organizations have started to invest in reporting and will now be required to report on sustainability in the EU in 2024, they struggle to operationalize their diversity strategy. Hiring new kinds of female IT talent is more complex and the methods for female IT recruiting are too slow for an organization undergoing an aggressive digital transformation.

This is where we can help.

A win for your investors and a win for the society? Check and check.

Deliver sustainable value

The business world is full of sky-high sustainability targets – but few initiatives are actually in flight. Operationalizing sustainability strategy remains a struggle, but corporate boards are increasingly considering ESG performance measures in incentive plans.

Luckily, new talent acquisition strategies are here to help.

Riess Tech female tech talent hiring delivers the fastest, most minimally capital-intensive path to better diversity outcomes. And best of all, we get you from vision to results while simultaneously delivering on the top and bottom line.


It’s time for talent that match your digital ambitions

You’ve got tons of experience in transforming digitally for the better. The problem: Your current talent don’t match your ambition to drive value, fast.

Given that top women engineering talent can, for example, be anywhere from three to ten times more productive than average engineers, acquiring top female talent can yield double-digit investment savings by accelerating the transformation process by even 20 to 30 percent.

You need a holistic female talent strategy that closes the circle from hiring to developing and retaining to value. So you can find the value fast and realize sustainable impact at scale.

Let’s win top female talents together to get your digital transformation right


Reimagine your recruiting strategy

Together we develop a compelling female talent attraction strategy. We build a heat map of the female talent concentration, tech-community events, start-up spaces and skill mix in the market across non-traditional platforms.


Scout targeted ‘anchor hires’

We help you invested in anchor hires who are leaders in the engineering discipline and technology industry. We help you evaluate the networks of top talent, invest extra time and involve your senior business leadership in pursuing them.


Retrain new recruiting capabilities

We help you retrain and acquire new recruiting capa-bilities to speak to candidates about relevant, very technical topics in their industry, excite them about the opportunities in the organization and assess whether the candidate would be a good fit.


Roll-out and conversion

We help you combine the online platforms, communi-ties and postings, with attending and contributing to communities through meet-ups, presented at conferen-ces and hosted hackathons. To make the multifaceted approach paid off.

Bring female talent into your hiring

Hire female tech talent yourself and create opportunities.

Looking for a job?

We help you find a job that fits female tech talent.

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