The year that made our CEO an Influential ESG Leader, Top AI Leader and Three-time Top Women Leader in Tech Awards Winner
or: Riess Tech Year in Review

As global crises like climate chance, geopolitical instability, cybersecurity and AI risks join forces, other leaders and our Founder CEO & CIO, Victoria Riess, had to adopt a forward-looking approach. As 2024 draws to a close, we launch our Riess Tech’s Year in Review. Our Year in Review highlights four milestones to shape European and technology industry agendas.
1. Victoria Riess shaped the future of the broader economy and society
We highlight the enduring influence of Victoria Riess, recognising her significant contributions not just within her and her customers’ organisation but also in shaping the future of the broader economy and society
The ESG Leadership Masterclass by Victoria Riess from Handelsblatt
Leaders learned in our ESG Leadership Masterclass with Handelsblatt from Victoria Riess how to ensure long-term success through sustainable corporate leadership

Use promo code RIESS10 now to get an ESG Leadership Masterclass from Victoria Riess for just €449.10 — that’s 10% off the normal price!
Top Sustainable Leadership Course Design Thinking at the University of Passau
Victoria Riess taught future leaders in our Course Design Thinking for Sustainable Development at the University of Passau to develop digital products for sustainable habits
ESG Expert Interview After green comes good in Handelsblatt
Victoria Riess gave answers on how CEOs create a strategy for social added value and how to make this count in her interview After green comes good in Creditreform from Handelsblatt

Interview Top Sustainability Expert Victoria Riess: Conduct expert interviews with Victoria Riess, allowing you to engage with a sustainability market leader and ESG expert one-on-one!
Executive Panel How boards win with a holistic ESG strategy at the Handelsblatt Winter Camp
Our Founder took the stage at the Handelsblatt Winter Camp to deliver her panel How boards win with a holistic ESG strategy and Digital Responsibility on ESG strategies for boards
Victoria Riess was uniquely positioned to embrace transformative opportunities, including the integration of sustainable practices and a strong focus on diversity and inclusion
2. Our CIO was at the forefront of the adoption of advanced technologies such as AI
Our CIO was at the forefront of the efforts to adopt advanced technologies, leading initiatives to digitise their operations and harness the power of these technologies to transform their businesses
Digital and AI Strategy Consultancy Riess Consulting
Victoria Riess scaled our own technology business, Riess Consulting, one of the leading German digital and AI strategy consultancies

Best Digital Management Consultancy for Hire: Hire Riess Consulting with tech experience to support your team. Work exclusively with Victoria Riess who will get your project done!
CEO Book Der Leitfaden für Beiräte zur generativen KI-Revolution in Springer Gabler
Victoria Riess gave answers in her article How the Advisory Board uses the opportunities of AI and overcomes challenges in the book Chefsache Beirat from Springer Gabler

Buy Unique AI Thought Leadership: For your newspaper — Buy high-quality AI and GenAI articles written by Victoria Riess, incl. AI expertise and GenAI industry thought leadership!
AI Expert Interview for the AI Governance Insights Series from SAP LeanIX
Our CEO was featured on the SAP LeanIX Expert Interview Series from SAP as one of their Thought Leaders in AI Governance
The best full Applied AI and New Work Course from Victoria Riess
Leaders learned from Victoria Riess what tech levers you need to create artificial intelligence for sustainable growth in our Applied AI and New Work E-Learning

New to Victoria Riess’ E-Learnings? Get special offer for brand-new Revolutionize Work Through AI E-learning from Victoria Riess now from just €14.99!
Executive Workshop Revolutionizing work through AI at the DIHK Network Day
Our CIO took the stage at the DIHK Network Day to deliver her workshop Revolutionizing work through AI on how the interplay of human and artificial intelligence will change the world of work

Hire Victoria Riess as AI Keynote Speaker who inspires your audience! We offer keynotes that not only inspire, but also deliver transformative strategies for your business success!
Digital leadership — How to make an impact: The entire course
Leaders learned from Victoria Riess how tech levers will help them to create growth in a sustainable way in our E-Learning Digital leadership — How to make an impact: The entire course

Learn the Latest Digital Leadership Skills: Learn online and advance your tech career with the Digital leadership — How to make an impact course from Victoria Riess!
Top Workshop Revolutionieren Sie die Arbeit durch KI
Our Founder CEO took the stage to deliver her workshop Revolutionieren Sie die Arbeit durch KI on how AI is transforming the world of work
Top 10 AI Keynote Speaker at Athenas
Leaders discovered the future with Victoria Riess, their keynote speaker expert in strategic thinking, digital innovation and sustainable leadership at Athenas
Executive Perspectives Digitization as opportunity for global competitiveness in Handelsblatt
Our Founder gave answers on how leaders can transform people, processes and tech in her article Digitization as opportunity for global competitiveness in changement! from Handelsblatt
Top Tech Keynote at Wirtschaftsregion Bamberg-Forchheim’s 5th Expert Day
Victoria Riess took the stage at WiR’s 5th Expert Day to deliver her keynote Digital transformation for the future viability of SMEs on how to unlock the future of SMEs
AI Expert at Otto Group’s Initiative ZukunftsWerte AI workshop
Our CEO reported in her very own 3-step playbook an opportunity-oriented and at the same time responsible design of generative AI at Otto Group’s Initiative ZukunftsWerte AI workshop
Thought Leadership Publication Is quantum computing on the verge of hacking cryptocurrencies in DataCenter-Insider
Our CIO stated in her article Is quantum computing on the verge of hacking cryptocurrencies? in DataCenter-Insider
Revolutionize work through technology: The entire course
Victoria Riess taught leaders how they can really make an impact with AI for sustainable growth in our Revolutionize work through technology: The entire course

Begin the AI and New Work E-learning from Victoria Riess: We can teach you the skills you need, from AI to the future of work!
Leadership Insights Can quantum computers soon override blockchains? in ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS
Our Founder CEO reported in her article Can quantum computers soon override blockchains? in ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS
- Thought Leadership Publication How CEOs transform their company from content creation to digital experiences
- Executive Perspectives How CEOs transition their enterprise from material sciences to digital sciences
- Leadership Insights Revolutionizing work through technology
- Executive Report How CEOs make a difference with strategic technology trend investments
- CEO Insights The Newsvendor Model
- Thought Leadership Publication Operations Management and Process Analysis
- Executive Perspectives How CEOs make an impact with technology
As the adoption of advanced technologies such as AI, ML and automation is rapidly gaining momentum across our customers’ industries, our CIO is helping them to stay competitive in an increasingly digital world
3. Our CEO adopted innovative strategies to attract and retain top talent
Attracting and retaining top talent for our customers remained a significant challenge for our CEO, who is increasingly adopting innovative strategies to tackle this persistent issue
Riess Tech Female Talent Recruitment Platform
Riess Tech Female Talent Recruitment Platform is the leading German management and recruitment consultancy for women developers. Our Founder CEO, Victoria Riess, is one of the most relevant voices around women developers and technology. For her contributions on the topics of Women in Tech, Diversity & Inclusion and New Work, she has already been awarded seven times as Top Women Leader in Tech and is also on the road as keynote speaker throughout Europe.

We help companies understand and attract female talent. Make a request to help you find the new female tech talent companies need to succeed in digital!
Three-Time Winner: Top Women Leader in Tech Awards from WomenTech Network
We are deeply honored that our CEO & Founder receives both the prestigious WomenTech Network Community Award Global and Local for Germany from a pool of over 1,560 global applicants!
“After recognizing Victoria Riess, Founder CEO, as Winner in 2021 and Finalist in 2023, our recognitions highlight their continuous and innovative efforts at Riess Consulting for the third time and motivate them to further advance the role of women in technology.” WomenTech Network, 2024

Reach diverse talent target markets: Hire Victoria Riess as Women in Tech Brand Ambassador who passionately represents and promotes your tech brand to diverse talent!
Trailblazer Leadership Award Finalist
We would like to express our deepest gratitude that our CEO is named a Finalist for the prestigious #empowHERaccess Awards from Insight and Women in Cloud
Impact of Diversity Award Finalist 2024
This Impact of Diversity Award accolade not only recognizes our innovative approach to making a significant impact but also inspires us to push the boundaries for Women in Tech further
Most Influential Women Nominee
We were honored and humbled that our CEO was nominated in the category Most Influential Women for the Impact of Diversity Award
In today’s competitive job market, Victoria Riess understood that fostering a highly engaged and motivated workforce is vital for her customers’ sustained business success and growth
4. Victoria Riess was focused on creating a positive corporate culture
Victoria Riess was focusing on creating a positive corporate culture and community that fosters a sense of belonging and purpose among our customers’ employees
Be a Leader Who Matters Leadership Series newsletter #200
We reached the more than 200th edition mark for our newsletters Be a Leader Who Matters and Great Leaders Are Made, Not Born

Top Tech Influencer Victoria Riess: Get professional social media marketing services from top-rated tech influencer Victoria Riess!
30k followers Victoria Riess LinkedIn page
We have hit the 30k followers mark with Victoria Riess’ LinkedIn page on how to build the strategic knowledge essential for senior leadership roles in technology
500 followers Riess Consulting company page
We reached 500 followers with our Riess Consulting company page, one of the leading German digital and AI strategy consultancies
5k subscribers Leadership Series newsletter
We hit 5k subscribers with our Leadership Series newsletter Be a Leader Who Matters
- Top Technology Keynote China’s and Google’s ‘quantum supremacy’: The Entire Keynote
- Executive Pitch Site Growth Strategy — How to grow your global tech hub by 150%
- Top 10 Best Technology Playlist Full Applied Quantum Computing Keynotes (QC)
- Victoria Riess Top Keynote Speaker Cybersecurity & Cybercrime
- The Leader’s Playlist China’s and Google’s ‘quantum supremacy’ — Is quantum computing about to break cryptocurrency?
- Victoria Riess Top 10 Keynote Speaker Digitization & Big Data
Victoria Riess’ Top Year in Sports 2024
2024 was again a decent Year In Sport: 2,529 km distance, 341 days active, 241 hrs time, 8,875 m elevation
Want to know what sport tells her about responsibility? Find inspiration and actionable advice on corporate responsibility and responsible AI in our new e-learning offer
- Get 10% off ESG Leadership Masterclass with code RIESS10
- New-learner offer: Brand-new Revolutionize Work Through AI E-learning from €14.99
- Try today new Digital Leadership E-learning
- Book now AI and New Work E-learning
By embracing inclusive strategies, Victoria Riess aimed to attract top-tier candidates for our customers while also keeping current employees engaged and committed, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and dynamic organisation
Just as the impacts of multiple crises are amplifying, our Riess Tech solutions are in sight and actions are underway to address environmental, technological and societal changes. Get into contact with us to help you accelerate these actions and spark many more in 2025.